Employee Newsletters

How the Gmail Email Limit Impacts Your Employee Emails



By Katie Liston


If you’ve ever tried to send bulk emails from Gmail, you have surely encountered the Gmail email limit. It’s not that you can’t send bulk emails in Gmail – you can – it’s just that you’re limited to the number of emails you can send. 

To help prevent spam and keep accounts safe, Gmail limits the number of emails you can send or receive per day, and the number of people you can add as recipients.

While these limits are there to prevent people from abusing Gmail for spam emails and other troublesome purposes, they can also hinder people from conducting legitimate business processes. Thankfully, there are ways to manage Gmail’s sending limits if you know what to do, or what to use. An internal communications tool like ContactMonkey lets you send mass emails that feature your employee newsletter ideas without encountering Gmail email limits.

Reach 1000s of employees in a single send.

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How Many Emails Can You Send in Gmail at a Time?

Gmail email limits (learn more here) affect your email and newsletter sending in a variety of ways. The first Gmail email limit that you’ll encounter is the daily sending limit. The current Gmail email sending limit is 2000 emails per 24 hours when sending from their web interface.

It’s important to note that this means 2000 in any combination (i.e. 1 email to 2000 people or 4 emails to 500 each, etc.). For those wondering how many recipients does Gmail allow in Bcc, these limits affect the total number of emails allowed.

If you go over the sending limit, you might receive a notification like this:

gmail sending error message

When you get this error, you won’t be able to send emails for anywhere from one hour on up to a full day. That could be a lifetime if you’re using your email client for other important internal newsletters or updates!

You may also get locked out of Gmail for other sending-related reasons, too.

Gmail classifies incoming mail in the following ways:

  1. Spam vs. non-spam: Spam messages are placed in the spam folder, while non-spam messages are placed in the inbox.
  2. Mail categories: Most users use Gmail’s default inbox which further classifies non-spam mail into categories – Primary, Social, Promotions, Updates, and Forums.

Similar to the Outlook email limit, Gmail email limits are imposed to fight spam, having someone mark your bulk message as spam can count against you, even if you’re still technically under the sending limit in a 24-hour period.

Consider this example: an issue occurs and you need to alert your employees immediately. You consult your Crisis Communications Plan and send out your response immediately. You send out roughly 6,000 emails to everyone affected by the issue. But all of those emails get flagged as spam and get sent into the Junk folder.

Sending bulk gmail email correctly can be incredibly important.

Bypass email-sending limits of Gmail.

Send your Gmail emails within ContactMonkey.

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Gmail also has a restriction on the total number of recipients you can email per day so you cannot use CC or BCC to bypass the daily email sending limit.

The Gmail email limit puts a hard cap on how many emails can be sent. That ~2000 email limit isn’t very big to begin with; Colgate Palmolive uses Gmail for their 30,000+ employees. These limits can seriously affect your business if not properly managed.

How to get around the Gmail email sending limit

How do you get around the Gmail email limit issue? Google recommends the equivalent of a distribution list: Google Groups.

Just like a distribution list in Outlook, Google Groups allows you to add as many recipients* as you want to a group and assign them a group email. This group email address will count as one recipient, but everyone who is listed in that google group address will receive your email!

*well, technically the limit is 6.2 million recipients per group…

Google groups are a great way to use Gmail for sending bulk emails. They are easy to manage and edit and can help you avoid encountering Gmail sending errors.

If you’re using Gmail for internal communications, you will want to be sure that your employees are actually engaging with your emails and updates. This can be a challenge with so many recipients; can you imagine if every person in your Google Group sent you an email to confirm they read and understood your message? Yikes!

Thankfully, dedicated internal communications software like ContactMonkey gives you the power to receive employee feedback, track emails, and pinpoint your most effective content.

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Use ContactMonkey for Sending Mass Emails in Gmail

With ContactMonkey’s Email at Scale feature, users are no longer constrained by email send limits of 2000 recipients per send. Users can now send emails to more than 2000 individuals in a single email send and reach a wider audience with their internal email communications.

Combined with Google Groups, ContactMonkey offers a powerful resource to send and track internal emails within Gmail.

With ContactMonkey’s new Google Group support, Gmail users have expanded capabilities.

Users can gather individual tracking metrics on emails sent to their Google Groups and get accurate recipient counts with their gmail sends. And there’s no need to coordinate with IT so it’s easy to streamline your tasks and create a seamless workflow.

How ContactMonkey works

ContactMonkey’s powerful internal communications tool lets you create, send, and perform Gmail email tracking. Take full advantage of your Google groups by sending them top-quality content and track their engagement.

With ContactMonkey’s drag-and-drop email template builder, you can easily create beautiful and interactive emails. Insert emoji reactions, employee pulse surveys, and more to gather feedback from your employees:

email builder - gmail email limit

You can use this feedback to determine your best performing content to give your audience what they want!

Save time creating internal email content.

ContactMonkey’s new OpenAI AddOn makes it easy!

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Your employee feedback will be displayed on your campaign analytics dashboard alongside other in-depth email metrics. With ContactMonkey’s email management tools you can track Open Rate, Click Through Rate, Opens by device and location, and more:

aggregate tracking screenshot

A remote teams communication tool like ContactMonkey is a must for companies with remote and hybrid workforces. By using ContactMonkey’s internal communications tool for Gmail, you can even save time by using a single preview to make sure everything displays properly on desktop and mobile devices.  Just click the Preview button and check your email in the new page that appears:

email template screenshot

Send Mass Email with Ease

Google imposes strict email sending limits and it can be difficult for users to send bulk messages without getting blocked. That doesn’t even touch on the problem of wasting hours by manually importing, crafting, and sending group messages.

One of our customers, Mettler Toledo, used to spend hours creating their employee newsletters. Fed up using a combination of Mailchimp and Microsoft Word, internal communicators at Mettler Toledo wanted a better, faster way to build engaging internal email.

They switched to ContactMonkey, and saved 25 days per year on the internal communications process using resources like employee newsletter templates.

There are a few other options out there to get around the Gmail email limit. But in our completely unbiased opinion, we’re the best ?.

ContactMonkey solves the challenges with bulk email sending inside Gmail for internal communications. You can create and manage campaigns faster, and get access to Gmail email tracking statistics that can help you hone your email content.

Talk about smart.

Sending out mass email in Outlook to your organization? ContactMonkey has got you covered.

Transform your Gmail experience today.

See the power of ContactMonkey.

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Want to smash those Gmail email limits and start sending your internal communications updates from your Gmail inbox? Book a free demo with one of our experts to see our internal communications solution first-hand. 

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